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Angus  Community Care and Treatment Centre

In line with the national GMS contract changes, some services previously carried out in the GP surgery will now be carried out at the Angus Care and Treatment Centre situated within the Outpatient Department at Arbroath Infirmary. The services concerned are routine clinical investigations and reviews such as - blood tests, monitoring prior to practice based review of your long term condition, wound care, ear care and leg ulcer management.

If you are required to have any of the above services, you will be given a number to call to make an appointment. As is the case currently the results of any tests will come back to the practice for review and any action by your healthcare professional.

This is part of a nationally agreed plan to increase the support provided to general practices and their patients, and increase space within general practice for wider provision of services. The Arbroath Outpatient based model builds upon the wide range of services, including anticoagulation monitoring, already provided at Arbroath Infirmary on behalf of all the practices.

Feedback is being gathered from all attending the clinic to help further improve and develop the service moving forwards.


Right Care, Right Place

My Guide Services  - Guide Dogs An aid for blind and partially sighted people – click links below for full information.

Service User Family and Friends

Information Leaflet

Are You Due Pension Credit?

Tayside and Angus Children and Families Helpline

Are You OK?

Mental Health Hub Self Referral Form

Mental Health Hub Patient Information

Be Active Live Well

Prevention and Proactive Care

Cocaine: Know the Risks

Well Living Workshops




Rethink Dementia

Chronic Conditions and Mental Health

Online Mental Health Support

Working Health Services

Facial Palsy Support Group

Angus Library Resources

Positive Steps

Summer Steps

A Sporting Memories Project FORFAR

A Sporting Memories Project FORFAR

A Sporting Memories Project FORFAR

A Sporting Memories Project FORFAR

Calling all people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in the last 3 yearsNHS Tayside has a FREE programme to help you manage your type 2 diabetes and support you to make sustainable lifestyle changes – all from the comfort of your own home.

The programme is delivered through an app or by phone and focuses on long term lifestyle change and diabetes self-management. It takes a personalised approach to care, with one-to-one support delivered by diabetes dietitians and health coaches over 12 weeks.  Find out more and sign up here to receive personalised health coaching from our partner Oviva.


Calling all women who have previously been diagnosed with gestational diabetes!   Gestational diabetes usually resolves after pregnancy, but 1 in 2 women go on to develop type 2 diabetes in future – a condition which increases your risk of serious health complications.    The good news is that type 2 diabetes can be prevented with lifestyle changes. Would you like to take part in a FREE support programme to help you to lose weight and prevent type 2 diabetes, from the comfort of your own home? 

Lifestyle change is not easy, especially as a busy mum, but support is tailored to your personal circumstances. There's no need to travel for appointments – support will be offered via smartphone app, telephone or video call – whatever suits you best.      


Community Listening Services

New support for people living in Tayside with MS

Citizens Advice Scotland

Citizens Advice Scotland


If you think someone is in immediate danger, phone the Police on 999.  (see attached information)

Immediate Danger Information Sheet

Contact Scotland - BSL

How to use contactSCOTLAND - BSL

New Patients

Due to concerns about our capacity to provide safe patient care we are currently unable to accept applications to register at this practice if you are already registered with a GP in Arbroath.

Need Healthcare advice without an appointment? You can contact your Pharmacy first.

Pharmacy First

Recycling your Inhalers

Use inhalers? When you are finished with them, they can be recycled at the following local chemists:

  • Boots the Chemist, 142-146 High St, Arbroath
  • Well Pharmacy, 9 Fisheracre, Arbroath
  • Well Pharmacy, 112 High Street, Arbroath

Order Repeat Prescriptions Online

Please contact reception for details of how to register for this service


Health News from the BBC and the NHS

BBC Health
NHS Choices Behind the Headlines
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